June 27, 2008

What do you mean--subscribe to this page?

The easiest way to keep up with what is being posted on Wood Library's new opening page is to subscribe by RSS. It's just like subscribing to a magazine or an email list. When new content is published it will automatically be delivered to you. When you click the subscribe button in the upper right corner of this page, a box will pop up. Choose how you want to have your subscription delivered. The easiest way is to get it in your email. Or, you can have it sent to a reader. This is especially good if you subscribe to other pages. Then all your news is organized in one reader. Google and Yahoo Readers are very popular--and free. Wood Library recommends this video RSS in Plain English provide free by the CommonCraft Show.


Anonymous said...

Guess what? The new updates arrive in the reader a lot sooner than they do in the email. There is a lag time in the email. I recommend that you get them in a reader. Who wants all those messages piling up in the email? I've got enough in there already. I do like getting the Wood Library alerts. Thanks.